Huge Bowienet Discount For Official 2010 Calendar

I asked for an autograph…

For those of you that haven’t already purchased a copy, we’ve managed to negotiate a very generous discount with infocado for the official 2010 David Bowie/Mick Rock calendar.

At £9.99 infocado are selling the calendar at the normal RRP, however, BowieNetters can enjoy a recession-busting four pounds (GBP) off when they enter the special offer code: HUNKYDORY10 as illustrated below…that’s a not-to-be-sniffed-at 40% off if my maths are correct.

The special offer code page (above) appears after you hit check out, so don’t panic, the discount will show on the final check out page before you actually pay.

Stay tuned for the contest we previously mentioned (07.23.2009 NEWS: OFFICIAL 2010 BOWIE/MICK ROCK CALENDAR DETAILS) as David and Mick have now kindly offered to sign ten contest copies of the calendar for BowieNet.