Space Oddity 40th And Signed Card Winners Part One

Commencing countdown…Five

Last week we offered an undisclosed quantity of US and UK copies of both the Space Oddity 40th Anniversary Limited Edition CD vinyl and CD with the above signed-by-David Bowie promotional postcard. (12.17.2009 NEWS: WIN SPACE ODDITY 40th LIMITED EDITIONS AND SIGNED CARD)

Five members had already won a CD each and automatically qualified for the signed card too. (12.14.2009 NEWS: SPACE ODDITY 40th WINNERS’ LITTLE SOMETHING EXTRA)

Those five winners are again listed below simply because I’ve only had names and addresses from two of them so far…


Congratulations to the first four winners that The Random Generator selected from Santa‘s sack for the latest contest, who all get the item they chose and the very desirable signed-by-David Bowie promotional Space Oddity postcard…

UK CD = sookie
UK VINYL = keithbubb
US CD = acg

I’m sure you lot know what to do next…Clue: We don’t know where you live.

Stay tuned for more winners…who knows how many? Well, I do actually.