Why Hunky Dory Is On Gorillaz' Plastic Beach

These are your favourite things, When you’re a (2D) boy…

Back in March (03.08.2010 NEWS: ALL IS HUNKY DORY ON GORILLAZ’ PLASTIC BEACH) we highlighted the fact that the sleeve for David Bowie’s Hunky Dory was among the mysterious items on display in 2D‘s rowing boat on the sleeve of the Gorillaz‘ latest opus, Plastic Beach.

I put out a request to see if anybody understood the relevance of the album among 2D’s booty and I’m pleased to say that both Damon and Jamie responded…albeit via an interview with Serge Simonart in last month’s (August issue) Record Collector magazine

In fact Jamie, if you watch even closer you’ll see that the inscription actually reads: “TO 2D LOVE DAVID X”.

Thanx for clearing that one up boys…I guess Hunky Dory is the perfect desert island disc.

Anyway, next time don’t be shy, feel free to contact us directly. 😉