Duncan Jones Interview And Updates On Man Made Movies

You’ve watched your father plough the fields with a ram’s horn…*

I’m sure the great majority of you followed our advice of many moons ago (pun intended) when we suggested that the best place to keep on top of all things Duncan Jones was over at the excellent Man Made Movies site.

However, in case you’ve not visited recently, you should check it out for details of three more screenings of MOON at the NFT in London from August 28th, with Duncan doing another Q&A at the venue on the 31st.

Those of you wondering why we’ve not heard anything more about Source Code since it was first announced should read the recent interview with Duncan while you’re there.

It looks like Source Code will be released early in 2012, but my appetite was truly whetted back in April when Jake Gyllenhaal had this to say about working with Duncan on the film…

?Duncan is so awesome and he is an extraordinary director. Working with him has been that exactly and I think this movie that we are making is mind boggling. I?m telling you man, he is really quite something. His mind? he comes from quite a pedigree, just artistically, but on his own I believe he is the next generation. He is blowing my mind on a daily basis. To me, working with him, it?s surprising, his instinct, his sense of collaboration, but at the same time truly being an auteur?He?s the real deal man. Anyone who has seen MOON knows that…and this…you are really going to like it!?

Praise indeed.

* Chances are he hasn’t actually…but you try and find a relevant lyric to this story that I haven’t previously used!