Emi's S2s Microsite Launches Next Week – Win Promo Shirt

Then I got the small (relatively speaking) red (and black and white) box…

Subscribers to EMI’s David Bowie newsletter should have received the above S2S communication, without the bit ripped out of the middle of course. If you haven’t, or you don’t subscribe, you can view it online here.

From there you can check out links to the very clever Station To Station microsite and enter the competition to win limited promotional Station To Station T-shirts.

You’ve probably already stumbled upon an early version of the microsite which is being updated right now, with the full working version going live early next week.

The full version has some particularly cool features including one where you can select individual items from the content of the Deluxe box and view them in much closer detail…My crude animation above doesn’t do this feature justice.

The microsite also features a Station To Station player and various other sections of interest, such as walk-through video, press release and production notes, etc.

Additionally there are links to the Bowie UFP and all the other Bowie-related social networking sites which are in the process of being updated with S2S content too.

Stay tuned for our own contest to win promotional Station To Station T-shirts and more shortly.