Deluxe S2s Numbering Explained

Don’t lean on me man, ‘cos you can’t afford the ticket…

I’ve had a few e-mails from people concerned that their S2S Deluxe Edition Box doesn’t appear to be numbered. Not an unreasonable conclusion when one considers that the limited edition numbering was actually done on the reverse of the replica concert ticket, found inside the ON STAGE folder.

Above left is a scan of the reverse of the original ticket while on the right is a scan of a ticket from the deluxe package. As you can see, those clever chaps at EMI have replicated the original ticket numbering.

Another question asked by concerned collectors is: what’s going to stop people selling these reproductions as originals?

Well, most importantly, all of the components within both packages have a current EMI number, unlike the originals. For example, on the top left of the above deluxe box ticket is the following information…

Aside from the actual folders themselves and the two badges, all of the replica items in the deluxe box have the above code printed on them.

Hopefully that’s helped a few of you rest a little easier.