Ten-page Bowie Special In Italian Xl Magazine

Yeah! I was shaking like a leaf, For I couldn’t understand the conversation…

The January 2011 edition (issue #62) of the Italian la Repubblica xL magazine boasts the above cover with a delicious Sukita shot of David Bowie.

Daniele Pensavalle of soundandvision.it sent me the pointer to the mag and had this to say regarding the content…

“It?s a 10 page special for his 64th birthday with lots of pictures (some very nice). Also there’s an article about his long career and interviews with many best Italian artists who talks about David and what he means to them.”

The Italian readers among you can read more over on the xL site…Any of you Italian BowieNetters that have the mag, please feel free to send in a translation of the article so we can all understand it! 😉