Station To Station Signed Deluxe Box Contest Part One

I (still) like the tee shirts…

A few months ago, back in September of 2010, we ran a contest to win copies of the limited edition Station To Station promotional T-Shirt. (09.16.2010 NEWS: TEN PROMO STATION TO STATION T-SHIRTS TO BE WON)

However, (and I’ve been a bit nervous to own up to this) due to an over-zealous security programme I lost a whole bunch of e-mail, including the entries to that original contest!

Really sorry about that folx, but hopefully you will have kept your entry in your sent box, particularly as we hadn’t announced winners yet.

For the first part of this competition, all you have to do is go back and re-enter that original contest posted in September’s news, now. I have made sure that the same problem can’t happen again.

You have a good couple of weeks to re-enter and I’ll give you the final closing date with the next part of this contest.

Here’s what’s up for grabs…


Grand Prize
Station To Station Deluxe Edition with signed by David Bowie album-sized booklet…Plus, Station To Station promotional T-Shirt…Plus, Station To Station Special Edition so you can keep your Deluxe in pristine condition!

Five Runner-Up Prizes
Signed by David Bowie album-sized Station To Station booklet…Plus, Station To Station promotional T-Shirt…Plus, Station To Station Special Edition.


There will also be more T-shirt prizes on top of the above to make up for the original contest problems.

For those of you that didn’t realise it, the signed album-sized booklet from the Deluxe Edition box has a lot more content than the one in the Special Edition box.

So, go re-enter the original contest here, (keep the subject line as: I LIKE THE T-SHIRT to make sure it goes into the right folder that can’t be deleted) and stay tuned for the next part shortly.