Bowie Most Stylish Male Idol Of The 70s

You know you got something, You know you got style…

Regarding today’s headline, that’s what Sinead Van Kampen of the WOMAN section of the Irish Independent newspaper reckons at least.

In an item entitled: 70s Idols: Our guide to the decades most stylish, Sinead has listed five women she considers to be the most stylish of the 70s idols…and just the one bloke.

The women listed are: Bianca Jagger, Patty Hearst, Lynda Carter, Farrah Fawcett and Jerry Hall…and obviously the beefcake above is the solitary geezer mentioned.

Here’s the entry concerning our man, with a couple of points I’ve made thrown in…


David Bowie

Having spent the 1960s doing nothing more productive than singing about a laughing gnome, the new decade should have seen David Jones consigned to pop trivia. What nobody saw coming was that Bowie would enter the 1970s as the most fashionable cult on the planet and exit as a global phenomenon.

In fashion terms, David Bowie is the man who single-handedly invented and then reinvented androgyny. David Jones became David Bowie, David Bowie became Ziggy Stardust, everybody forgot his name, then they forgot his sex and finally they just listened to his music. This is what he wanted in the first place.

By the time 1975 came and went his look was so imitated that if a man turned up at a Communion party in a skintight gold lamé jumpsuit nobody would have raised an eyebrow.

How he became the sexiest man alive requires a leap of imagination from the reader.

(Blam Note: No leap for this reader) But were it not for Bowie, Boy George wouldn’t have been in Culture Club, David Beckham couldn’t have worn that sarong with a straight face, and Justin Bieber wouldn’t be getting the benefit of the doubt.

Fashion high point: The ironic wearing of an eye patch on stage (Blam Note: It was only for a short period of promotional work for Rebel Rebel, including video and photo shoots. Also, there may have been no ironic intention. If memory serves, Bowie claimed at the time that the eye patch was actually functional due to an eye infection. Either way, it looked great.)

Fashion low point: The not very ironic wearing of underpants on stage (Blam Note: Actually it was a jock strap, which could kind of be thought of as ironic when one considers the usual sporty types that would have worn one at the time. Of course, everybody wears one now…don’t they?)

Fashion legacy: More than anyone could have ever imagined (Blam Note: Here’s to that!)


You can read the full thing here, though it must be obvious to anyone reading this item that Bowie truly was the most stylish of all the 70s idols, and for a time that continued long after the Ziggy period…whoever you put him up against…male or female.