Ziggy Played Surf Guitar Cd Winners


We set this one last month (07.07.2011 NEWS: FIVE COPIES OF ZIGGY PLAYED SURF GUITAR TO BE WON) and almost everybody got the right answer. Not so surprising when one considers the simplicity of the question we set:

All twenty one tracks on this album are instrumentals, obviously. However, only one of the tracks was an instrumental when originally released by David Bowie. Please identify that track.

The answer of course is Speed Of Life and these are the five members who can look forward to listening to Ziggy Played Surf Guitar – The Surf Instrumental Bands Of The World Perform The Music Of David Bowie down at their local beach once they’ve sent in their postal addresses.


And for those of you that had managed to recover from the trauma and had internalised it, here’s THAT picture again…

If you’re a winner or if you bought the album anyway, don’t forget to complete the listening experience via the two bonus track free downloads over at the Cordelia Records site

*** FOOTNOTE: Today’s lyric quotation is from Speed Of Life