Bowie Special on Channel Radio at 1:00 GMT today


“And me I’m on a radio show”


Author, radio presenter and non-stop go-go dancer, Kevin Cann, has been in touch with details of a four hour Bowie Special on Channel Radio today.

The broadcast marks Bowie’s fifty years as a recording artist and we asked Kevin what we can expect from the celebration.


“Realising that we had an important DB commemorative date fast approaching and as George Underwood was very much part of that historical release, I ran the idea of an interview about it all past him a couple of weeks ago. George still has very fond memories of The King Bees and his other early recording work and was happy to do it.

So I spent a pleasant evening with him last week, testing his memory to the full. We covered as much as we could from that time – from David joining The Konrads to the formation of The King Bees, auditioning for Les Conn, writing and recording the single (not an easy day for George as it transpires), TV and live shows and, in detail, the repertoire the Bees performed and material he and David listened to in those formative years.

Channel Radio is also blessed with two ex-Bowie band members as station presenters – Bob Solly and Phil Lancaster. They were more than happy to enter into the celebration and agreed to focus their Saturday shows on their memories of David and their respective bands. Phil does a one hour show, from 2.00pm on Saturday, and Bob from 3.00 till 5.00pm, and this is the first time either of them have agreed to do a focussed show on Davie Jones and The Manish Boys (Bob) and Davie Jones/David Bowie and The Lower Third (Phil). Bob’s also agreed to take calls during the second hour of the show, so if you fancy having a chat with Bob feel free to call the studio on (UK) 01303 874 998.”


Saturday 7th June – celebrate David Bowie’s 50 years in Music – covering the 50th anniversary of the release of Liza Jane with three great shows:

1.00-2.00 pm George Underwood recalls his time as a King Bee…

2.00-3.00 pm Phil Lancaster remembers his mod days with David in The Lower Third…

3.00-5.00 pm Bob Solly (live) recalls the time when Davie Jones joined his group The Manish Boys. (Bob will be taking calls live in the studio from 4.00pm GMT)

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