★ single review in NME


“I’m not a popstar”


There are a couple of ★ single related bits in the latest NME. (November 20th issue)

First up, in the publication itself, the release is listed in the RADAR section among ‘The Best New Tracks’.

While over on the NME blog pages, Mark Beaumont makes a convincing argument for “how David Bowie is upending Christmas” with the release of his ★ single, concluding thus…


“Whether a vision of Major Tom reincarnated as an occult deity, a statement on spirituality being twisted for dark human ends or just a screwdriver dropped into the works of the festive music machine, ‘Blackstar’ is a bold and gloriously out-of-step Grace Oddity, an anti-‘25’ just when we needed one. Have yourself an eerie little Christmas…”


You can read the full review here.


#Blackstar  #imablackstar #BlackstarSingle