Happy Eleventh Birthday To Lexi Jones

And if the homework brings you down…

Happy 11th birthday to you, Alexandria Zahra Jones, wishing you many happy returns of the day from everybody here at DavidBowie.com.

Hope you’re have a wonderful day, Lexi, and that you’re placing extra special demands on mum and dad.

Here in the UK, you’d be moving up to secondary or high school when you go back next month. Not sure if that’s the same for you, but I thought I’d help ease you in to the more serious level of maths that you will be facing.

Above is an animation of the number 11 appropriately enough. All you have to do is count how many times the number 11 appears before you get to the stop sign.

You can restart the animation by refreshing the screen at any point. You can find the answer below, but no peeking!

Did we catch you out? Get used to it…those high school teachers are always getting up to sneaky stuff to try and trip you up. If we didn’t catch you out, don’t blame me…it was your dad’s daft idea…a bit.