Station To Station Put Back One Week Due To High Demand

This week dragged past me so slowly…

Well, it’s all there in the headline. But, to reiterate, the Station To Station packages that we told you about last month, (07.01.2010 NEWS: S2S SPECIAL AND DELUXE EDITION BOXES DUE IN SEPTEMBER) have now been put back one week to September 27th in the UK and September 28th in the US.

The perfectly reasonable reason for this is because the demand for stock exceeded EMI’s initial expectations and they want to be sure they can fulfil the pre-orders…well, you wouldn’t want to be the one who couldn’t get a copy for the sake of a week’s delay now, would you?

Meantime, stay tuned for a contest to win various related items ahead of the day of release, not least of all an official Station To Station promotional T-shirt wot you won’t find in the shops, innit?