Wossy Says Goodbye To The Bbc

Don’t forget to turn off the light…

Following on from last night’s final Friday Night With Jonathan Ross on BBC 1, Wossy signed off from the BBC this morning with his last ever Saturday morning radio show on Radio 2.

Regular visitors to these pages will know just how big a role JR has played in promoting David Bowie’s work over the past eleven years or so, via both TV and radio.

Perhaps one of the most touching gestures though was the fact that he played a Bowie song every single week on his radio show for eleven years…excepting one week when he forgot and became quite upset on air by the mistake. He redressed the balance the following week by playing two Bowie tracks.

In total, Jonathan played Bowie approximately 570 times over the eleven year period, and today was no exception as the final track of his last show was Drive-In Saturday …and quite emotional it was too. If you’re in the UK, you can listen to the show for a few more days yet, here.

As sad as this news may be for regular viewers and listeners to JR’s shows, the good news is that the ITV1 channel has agreed a deal with him for a new chat show to be broadcast in late 2011 and early 2012. Good luck, Wossy, not that you need it.