Nme Gives Live Santa Monica '72 8 Out Of 10

He’s in the best selling show…

NME has awarded David Bowie – Live Santa Monica ’72 an impressive 8 out of 10 in the above review from the 28th June issue of the magazine.

You’ll hopefully be able to read it in full if it gets posted on their reviews page next week. Meanwhile, here are a few lines from it…


The reason for its position as a supernova in glam rock’s firmament is obvious from the first breathless chords of ‘Hang On To Yourself’.

It’s a snapshot of a songwriter riding a comet’s tail of creativity…More live albums should be like this. This is Bowie at his passionate and sexy best…

This feels real. Unlike most live albums, ‘Live Santa Monica ’72’ genuinely captures a special moment in time…


Stay tuned for our David Bowie – Live Santa Monica ’72 contests coming up over the next few days.

Coincidentally, the venue itself celebrates its 50th year this month. Here’s a link sent in by BowieNetter Marjorie Hammond.