Filming Wraps On Duncan Jones' Sci-fi Thriller, Moon

Under the moonlight, the serious moonlight…

Visitors to the BowieNet MBs will be aware that director Duncan Jones confirmed his full length feature debut, Moon, there last month. If you’re in the UK you may have caught a preview of the movie on Film 2008 with Jonathan Ross this week.

Going by what Duncan and lead actor Sam Rockwell reveal about Moon in the Film 2008 interview, it sounds like it’s going to be a truly great piece of cinema, influenced as it is by some of the seventies sci-fi masterpieces such as Silent Running..

Those UK members that missed Film 2008 (Episode 9) can still see it on the very handy BBC iPlayer for a few more days.

Meanwhile, though the film has now wrapped, it sounds like Mr Jones almost didn’t make it through to the end of shooting…as he explains below:


Three days left in the shoot and I fall off a scaffold and nearly kill myself.
Got away with some cracked ribs and stitches above my eye. Phew!

The live action shoot is DONE! COMPLETE! FINIS! That’s ALL folks, we are OUTTA here!

I can’t tell you how exhilarating it is to be done! It’s very, very sexy. It was also quite emotional. It was an intense shoot, and it all got quite sad as we realized that that was the last time we would all be together.. *sniff* Anyway…

You may have had a gander at the photo above and seen my new scar… also very sexy! Well, I’m OK, but I did suffer a couple of fractured ribs along with it, so I’m feeling a little delicate. I’m sure Ill survive the wrap party though. 😉

All our footage has been looking good. Really good, to be honest. I get my head into the editing at the end of the week, but Nick Gaster, my editor, has said we are looking pretty good. A lot of work ahead of us, of course, but we’re in good shape. So! I’m going to get some sleep…


Stay tuned for more in the very near future.