The Enemy Cover Bowie On New Single

Just turn on with me and you’re not alone…

Speaking of Bowie cover versions, (see yesterday’s news) Tom Clarke, frontman with The Enemy, has been more than complimentary about David Bowie’s Hunky Dory classic, Life On Mars?, in recent months. (05.18.2007 NEWS: LIFE ON MARS? ‘GREATEST SONG EVER WRITTEN’ & 09.08.2007 NEWS: LIFE ON MARS ONE OF 10 MOST PERFECT SONGS EVER)

With the release earlier in the week of The Enemy’s latest single: You’re Not Alone, it now seems that Tom may be moving through the Bowie back catalogue chronologically and he’s onto The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars.

Aside from the title of the A-side being a familiar refrain from Ziggy’s closing masterpiece: Rock ‘N Roll Suicide, the second track on one of the CD formats (above) is a cover of the album’s opener: Five Years.

It’s a simplistic and sincere version that doesn’t wander too far from the original in its arrangement. Can’t wait to see what Tom makes of songs like Drive-In Saturday, Time and Lady Grinning Soul in a couple of months.

Lucky sod. Imagine stumbling on a back catalogue of that quality…Then again, if you’re in a band, it must almost be enough to make you want to throw in the towel…how could you possibly compete with a canon of work such as Bowie’s?