Make An Italian Bowie Weekend Of It

Let the children boogie… (a bit longer)

How does the old saying go? “When in Rome, why not go to Bassano del Grappa the very next day?”

Of course, this is a reference to yesterday’s news story about the fan bash in Rome on Saturday evening organised by Velvet Goldmine. (10.28.2004 NEWS: ROME GOES GLAM ROCK CRAZY ON SATURDAY NIGHT)

If you are attending, you may well want to make it a weekend of Bowie fun by going to a second party on Sunday. Billed as The Bowie Horror Picture Show (I’m guessing Halloween is Europe-wide) this one is organised by yet another excellent Italian fan organisation and website: Moonage Daydream… who regular visitors to these pages will be well aware of.

Primarily the evening has been organised to coincide with the launch of Philippe Auliac‘s book: PASSENGER, “a collection of photographs of David Bowie and Iggy Pop taken by Philippe Auliac in London and Paris in 1976 and 1977.” I’ve not seen a finished copy of the book yet, so I can’t comment on the editorial content. But, I do know that Philippe’s pictures are among the very best taken of David during that period.

Anyway, here’s a bit from Daniele of Moonage Daydream:


A full night for all of Bowie?s fans in Bassano del Grappa. Including live music with PIOL & MASTICA Unplugged Bowie and dancing in the street with all the best glam from Dj Ziggy and Aladd Insane.

Last year we partied with 500 people all night long, and this year there are fans from as far afield as Australia and Ireland. I think this is the biggest Bowie Party the world has seen!

The event takes place at SHINDY CLUB via San Giorgio 124 ? Bassano del Grappa (VI) See for more details.

Please let us know how it goes folx. Hopefully I’ll get my act together and attend next year… sounds like I’m missing out on a really good time, as Mr Ferry would say.