Db Interviewed For 200th Q Magazine

David ‘Two Gowns’ Bowie… All will become apparent when you read Q.

One more, weekend, of lights and evening faces…

The 200th edition of Q magazine (March 2003) has celebrated this milestone with an in-the-bag collectors issue that includes a photo supplement of “unseen and uncensored” pictures. Unfortunately the supplement has no shots of David, despite the misleading use of a pic taken by our very own Mask (you never call or e-mail me anymore) printed on the gold foil bag that the whole shebang is contained within.

Making up for this in some small measure, the magazine has conducted interviews with a whole swarm of celebrities, who have each given their impressions of how life has been for them since the birth of Q. David is the focus of one such two-page spread, that includes a full-page dressing room shot of him (a detail of which you can see above) that’s bound to turn many of the MB visitors to a quivering jelly. The shot is accompanied by a short exclusive interview conducted with David last year

I don’t want to give too much of the interview away, otherwise you won’t go and buy it and Q will tell me off. However, here’s one small intriguing snippet:

You played the whole of Low and Heathen this year. Any other albums you’d fancy doing in their entirety?

Those shows went down so well it did start me thinking about other album pairings that might work well. I thought that The Man Who Sold The World and Earthling could work together. And perhaps Young Americans and Black Tie White Noise – They’ve both got that R&B thing. That might be interesting.

The interviewer goes onto ask “What about Station To Station?”, to which David gives a very teasing answer, which, sadly, I’m fairly certain will never come to fruition. Elswhere, star of The Office, Ricky Gervais, names Bowie as the greatest living Englishman, and David returns the compliment by namechecking The Office as “…one of the funniest things I’ve seen in ages.”

The 200th edition of Q magazine is on the shelves now.