Beautiful Bowie In Toronto

David and ‘Foxy Macy Dorsey’ prepare for the show.
Click on the image for more ‘hair-raising’ backstage shots.
All images: Mark Plati

Hey babe, your hair’s alright

The Toronto Sun is right on the ball (and on the money!) with a rave review of David’s performance on Monday night. They headline with “Beautiful Bowie Flawless at Moby’s Area2 fest.” and go on to say:- “David Bowie is timeless perfection.. (he)“stole the show at Moby’s Area2 Festival last night at the Molson Amphitheatre with an hour-and-a-half set that began and ended with two cherished classics from his 30-year-plus catalogue — Life On Mars and Ziggy Stardust.

Elegantly dressed in a black suit, white dress shirt and skinny electric blue tie, Bowie quietly took the stage — adorned with his last name in marquee-like white lights above him — while only a pianist accompanied him on Life On Mars. Bowie.. was clearly enjoying himself.

David opens in Toronto.
Image: Mark Plati

Not only was his voice in top form, but he also struck some seriously swoon-worthy poses as he moved around the stage. He was able to create excitement with just the wave of his arms as he commanded the audience to scream louder.

Among the new songs, Bowie’s covers of the Pixies’ Cactus and Neil Young’s I’ve Been Waiting For You stood up well alongside such expansive-sounding originals as Slip Away, I Would Be Your Slave, 5:15 and Heathen’s title track.

Even Moby had Bowie fever as he talked about watching the legend from the sidelines every night as “a dream come true.”

David also gave an interview to Jam Music in advance of the gig. Click here for page one, and here for page two.

The Toronto Star said “It was… Bowie who proved the one real uniting force of the day.” and singled out “…the electro-shocked “I’m Afraid Of Americans” and “Hello Spaceboy,” the ’80s standard “Let’s Dance,” a massive cover of Neil Young’s “I’ve Been Waiting For You” and the brooding title track from his excellent new Heathen disc” for special praise.

The Star also features an excellent telehone interview, and review of Heathen, titled ‘David Bowie finds dark majesty’ which David gave on the morning after the the first show of the Area2 tour.

Once again, we have a BowieNet reporter in the field. Thanks for the texts, Simone! She tells us that David was doing his best Portobello Market trader impersonation last night. After ‘Slip Away’ he told the audience he would be selling Stylophones after the show. He borrowed some sun glasses from a member of the audience (the sun was in his eyes), and when he returned them after three songs, he offered to reduce the price of a Stylophone by a few dollars in recompense. 🙂 Gail was dubbed ‘Foxy Macy Dorsey’ for the evening and wore her afro for the show.

And one more word, emailed to me from a member. “After seeing David at the Warehouse in 97 I didn’t think the live performances could get any better. Boy was I mistaken. A phenomenal show yesterday in Toronto. ‘Slip Away’ was incredible as was ‘Heathen’. I took my 11 and 14 year old kids. They were blown away. They couldn’t believe they were seeing the “real David Bowie”. Who is that anyway????” (Alexander)

Set list

Life on Mars?
Ashes to Ashes
Breaking Glass
Slip Away
China Girl
Be My Wife
I’ve Been Waiting For You
I Would Be Your Slave
I?m Afraid of Americans
5:15 The Angels Have Gone
Heathen (The Rays)

Hallo Spaceboy
Everyone Says Hi
Let’s Dance
Ziggy Stardust

(Thanks again to SusanS for her help, and for the fun clickthrough)
