Last Call With Carson Daly

words of truth…

Thursday night was the taping of David’s appearance on the 30 minute USA TV show Last Call with Carson Daly, attended by an audience of lucky BowieNetters! ( 07/22/02 NEWS: BOWIE ON LAST CALL WITH CARSON DALY – WANNA GO?).

Judging by your posts on the message boards, a very good time was had by all. It seems that Carson Daly joined a lengthening line of TV hosts who cannot believe their luck at breathing the same air as David Bowie :-). David was wearing a black three piece suit with white shirt. He was relaxed, funny and charming and answered most questions at length.

When asked about the current generation of MTV music, he warned that there could be danger in ignoring recent creative bands – giving The Pixies as an example from the past – to loud applause from the audience. He also talked of the natural instinct of the new music generation to want to wipe out the old, and had the audience in hysterics by refusing to comply. He threatened to go on and on and on singing :-). When discussing children he was asked about discipline. He repeated that lovely old story about taking Duncan to a PIL concert. Duncan came down the stairs with green hair and David almost said ” you’re not…” but thought better of it.

After the interview, the band played ‘Everyone Says Hi’ and ‘Cactus’. BowieNet member Antoine Poincelet described both versions as ‘stunning’. There was some between song banter, with Gail playing along on bass to a recorded version of ‘Under Pressure’ and David dancing and wiggling which brought some ‘TOTP style’ squealing from the audience! Some of the members nearest the stage were the lucky recipients of a handshake as David left.

The show airs on NBC in the USA on 8/8/02 at 1.35AM. Don’t miss!