Roseland Bowienet Show…it's A Date!

Expectant fans await the arrival of David Bowie at the Roseland Ballroom 2000, by Total Blam Blam.

So inviting…

Seems a few of you have been quite eager to find out the date of David’s BowieNet show at the Roseland Ballroom in New York. Well, I’m sure you’ll all be very pleased to learn that we’ll be making the announcement very soon. In fact, we might as well make it right now! So, without further ado:

We are very proud to announce that David Bowie will play a BowieNet show at the Roseland Ballroom in New York on Monday 10th June.

There ya go. Ticket details will be announced as soon as we are happy with the distribution system, but believe me, after Meltdown, we will be making very sure that the process of getting tickets to BowieNet members runs a little smoother this time…actually, a lot smoother! As smooth as Stephen ‘Baby’ King’s bum in fact.

For those that didn’t attend the last BowieNet show at the same venue, you may be pleased to learn that the Roseland Ballroom is unseated. That does mean of course, that if you do want to be down the front, (see pic above and the MBs) you may have to sleep with a few other crazy BowieNetters…No, not in the Biblical sense, I mean overnight in the queue outside the venue!