Vote For Your Favourite Bowienet Stuff Of 2001

Even David Bowie needs to log in.

These are your favourite things…

During my Christmas break there was a request posted for you to send us a list of a few of your favourite BowieNet items from 2001. Looking at the message boards it seems that there is a little confusion as to what it is we require from you.

Well, all we want is for you to give us what was in your opinion the top five happenings here on BowieNet, actually, perhaps you should make that ten. Your choices can include anything posted here in 2001, from a particular BowieNet News item to any of David’s Journals that may have tickled your fancy. Or perhaps a David Asks did it for you, or even a competition? And of course there was the Roseland video, BowieNet radio, tons of Mick Rock stuff, Iman’s book and CD, etc, etc, etc.

And let’s not forget the things you actually contributed to, such as the pages that Spaceface posted about the Concert for Tibet and David and Iman’s wedding anniversary. Anyway, you get the idea, just mail up to ten items or features you have enjoyed here, and we’ll hopefully give you more of the same in 2002.

One lucky entrant chosen at random gets to choose something special from the Bowie vaults.