Come And See The Schoki Gallery

© Brigitte “Schoki” Schokarth

I’d like to be a gallery…

We are very proud to present a new feature called Schoki Gallery, wherein the extremely talented BowieNetter, Brigitte Schokarth, presents her photographs and writings relating to David Bowie.

The Schoki Gallery is a fascinating glimpse into the world of rock journalism, Including loads of wonderful pictures and Schoki’s own recollections of the adventures she went through to get her pictures and interviews with David. Adventures that took her through the whole of the Nineties and a zig-zag journey around Europe and New York.

This is hopefully just the first in a few similar galleries that will focus on other photographers and writers who have been inspired by the work of David Bowie.

You can browse the Schoki gallery by clicking the image above, or from the link in the infectious box on the home page.