Golden Years released as Space Oddity orbits


“Don’t let me hear you say life’s taking you nowhere, angel”


Thirty nine years ago today, on November 21 1975, David Bowie’s Golden Years 45 was released in the UK on the very day that the re-issued Space Oddity was ending a two week stay at #1 on the UK chart.

1975 was a good year for Bowie chart action. The previous month, Fame had given Bowie his first #1 Stateside and aforementioned Space Oddity rerelease was his first UK #1…even though the original 1969 release had peaked at #5.

The UK press advert for Golden Years reflected this success with the bold prediction:


October No. 1…Fame…USA

November No. 1…Space Oddity…UK

December No. 1…Golden Years…WORLDWIDE


In the event, Golden Years did make it into the Top Ten in the UK, but only as far as #8.

Nevertheless, it was a great advert for the upcoming Station To Station album, even though it was a bit of a curveball stylistically. Listen to the original UK single edit here.

The general upbeat flavour of Golden Years didn’t begin to hint at the emotionally cold Thin White Duke who was soon to walk among us.