Here is a quote from Leonardo Pieraccioni, one of David’s co-stars in “My West” (Picture above features David with Leonardo and Harvey Keitel)
At Campocatino a certain David Bowie also fell out of the sky. He arrived one Thursday morning. I was introduced to him while I was being made up. He flashed me his elegant smile and said something in English. I pretended to understand and nodded exaggeratedly whereupon the smile died away. I shall never know what he said to me. In the mirror I caught sight of the assistant producer who was pointing at me and saying something along the lines of “In Italy he is the highest earning actor of all”. Bowie looked at me and replied “Are you sure?” David Bowie does not talk, he sings. Everything he said had a perfect rhythm. He is one of those people whom one should meet at least once every three months to achieve a sense of total inner calm and peace.
One afternoon they took the photo of us for the film poster. Keitel and Bowie were talking to one another. As usual I was pretending to understand. At one point the photographer said something like “Come closer together!” Then he took a Polaroid. I stole the photo. Standing between those two, I looked like a fan who has been lucky enough to get a photograph with the two greats. It was a bit like when you go to Spain and get your name stamped on posters beside that of famous bull-fighters. On the last day of filming, we said goodbye just like gunmen in the Far West, slapping one another on the back like old friends making improbable promises to meet up for dinner in New York. Maybe I shall never see them again. It does not really matter. It is all there, in the film. I was lucky enough to be involved in something great. I was lucky enough to go back to childhood when you shoot at Indians with your thumb and forefinger. I have discovered that the Western village in Garfagnana has always existed. All you have to do is believe. And that is what we did.
-Leonardo Pieraccioni