Cdnow And Ultrastar Announce Partnership

FORT WASHINGTON, Pa., Dec. 14 /PRNewswire/ — CDnow (, theInternet’s number one music store, and UltraStar, developer of the new andcutting-edge BowieNet ISP, announce their exclusive partnership designed tobring fans closer to artists they love.

Under the new agreement, UltraStar members will receive direct access toCDnow’s catalog of over 300,000 items and CDnow will be the exclusive retailerof music for UltraStar. Specializing in the area of Internet services,UltraStar is a management, technology partnership that brings majorentertainment, sports and fashion clients to the world through acommunity-based forum delivered over the web. CDnow continues to fusetechnology and music in order to bring fans closer to the artists. Thecompany’s partnership with UltraStar gives David Bowie fans access to one ofthe most comprehensive catalogs of Bowie products, both on and off the Web. “UltraStar is very excited about our online partnership with CDnow,” saysRon Roy, Partner, UltraStar. “CDnow provides our members with a superiorshopping experience that includes easy access to more than 300,000 musicrelated items, custom CDs, music samples and exclusive editorial content. Weplan to make online music distribution a prominent feature on all futureUltraStar ISPs.”

“The relationship between CDnow and UltraStar is a great example of ourcommitment to both the artist and the music fan,” says Bob Saltzman, CDnow’sVP of Strategic Business Development. “CDnow is very excited to be workingwith such a respected and top-notch artist as David Bowie, and we look forwardto working with many more of UltraStar’s artist-influenced ISPs in thefuture.”

The joint venture’s first online contest/promotion is the David BowieCyber Song Contest, in which contestants will help David Bowie complete thebrand new song “What’s Really Happening.” David has written and recorded allof the music and supplied the lyrics for the chorus, and contestants are askedto submit the three verses he left out. Once the finalists are picked, Davidwill choose the ultimate winner, who will be invited into the studio to meetDavid and watch while he records the song that they wrote together. You mustgo to, read the contest rules and submityour entry to be eligible to win prizes. In addition, CDnow is offering avariety of great prizes to the winner and runners-up, including giftcertificates, T-shirts and CDnow prize packs.

About CDnow

CDnow, Inc. (, the Internet’s number one music store, offersmore than 300,000 music related items — ten times the size of the averagemusic store. Founded in 1994 by twin brothers Jason and Matthew Olim, CDnowis building a better music store through intelligent album recommendations,custom CDs, music samples, a vast library of reviews and features from topmusic writers and exclusive editorial content from Rolling Stone Network,MTV/VH1 and CMJ New Music Monthly. CDnow (Nasdaq: CDNW) is the premier onlinemusic store on Yahoo!, Lycos, Lycos-Bertelsmann, Webcrawler, Tripod,Geocities, MTV/VH1 and Rolling Stone Network. About UltraStar

UltraStar is a management, technology partnership that specializes in thearena of Internet services, bringing major entertainment, sports and fashionclients to the world in a community-based forum delivered over the Web. TheUltraStar philosophy is simple — allow Internet users the opportunity to get”up close and personal” with their favorite personalities, in a members’influenced community via the Internet. Never before has there been an ISPgateway where the private and public worlds of famous figures has been openedwith the continued support, input and materials of each star.