David Bowie Adopts The Heroes Charity

Community Leisure Projects (CLP) are delighted and honoured to announce that DAVID BOWIE through BowieNet (www.davidbowie.com) has officially adopted THE “HEROES” PROJECT for this festive period.David posted the question to the BowieNet community: “What shall we do… and for whom, this Christmas?” and after receiving several requests, BowieNet decided that the “Heroes” fund raising charity project will be their special Christmas community activity.CLP would like to take this opportunity to personally thank everybody concerned in bringing this social awareness campaign to a wider audience.We are not promoting a worthy cause, we are supporting a basic right.

Community Leisure Projects (CLP) is a registered charity based in Manchester, England and covers the whole of the North West region.Our aim is to develop and encourage the social integration of disabled people into mainstream society. We organise a calendar of social events for young disabled people, where they can enjoy socialising in the company of their able bodied friends.We hope that by providing these social activities, disabled people will use the experience as a stepping stone toward achieving social self sufficiency. Of course they can only achieve this with full social acceptance which in turn can only be achieved via social awareness.The events that the CLP stage and the venues we use provide evidence that full integration of disabled people into a social environment is not only achievable, it is also an essential requirement of a rapidly developing and ethically responsible world.

In April 1998, CLP staged our “Flight Of Fancy” project when we hired a Boeing 757 to take over 200 disabled people on a 2 hour pleasure flight around the UK and Ireland.The Discotheque Royale in Manchester is hired twice a year for our Summer and Christmas disco’s attracting over 1,000 revellers to both events. Earlier this year, we organised a group trip to the Beatles exhibition in Liverpool. We regularly take groups to the Manchester Arena to watch the Manchester Giant’s Basketball team. We host carers awareness days and stage equal opportunities training events.Another special project of interest that is currently being organised is “The Amateur Variety Performance Of Youth”.To be staged at the Palace Theatre Manchester next year in conjunction with The Prince’s Trust. Disabled people will naturally be featured in this production given the fact that disabled issues effect every one of the many community cultures that we intend to feature at this event.CLP events serve to increase awareness, promote a better understanding of integration and provide valuable life skill experiences for disabled people.Thank you for your support.

For further information please contact CLP on 0161 236 1878 or fax: 0161 228 0085 or visit our web site at www.bowiewonderworld.com/clp.htmCommunity Leisure Projects (CLP)Suite 14b, 3rd Floor, St. James’s Building, 79 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EJ.

Director: L.C. Worsley, MBE.

Chairman: J. Warmisham. Patrons led by Sir David Trippier.
kRegistered UK Charity No. 1016634