Cyber Songs, Pop Icons And…book Reviews

Diana Gil-Osorio
Antenna Group/for UltraStar

*And we have a winner…David Bowie has announced the winner of BowieNet’s hi-profile CyberSong Contest: Alex Grant, 20, of Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Grant will receive a$15,000 publishing contract from Bug Music (, a VIPtrip to New York (where he’ll join Bowie for the recording of the song thisspring), a one-year subscription to BowieNet (, acomplete Bowie catalogue, $500 worth of music from CDNow( and a three-year subscription to Rolling Stonemagazine.

The new song, entitled “What’s Really Happening,” was written byDavid Bowie — all except for three verses which were left “blank” foraspiring co-songwriters. Contest entries flowed in by the thousands fromSeptember through December 1998, and even included entries by members of THECURE (

*Chat with Boy George AND David Bowie this Saturday, Feb. 27BowieNet members are invited to chat with David Bowie and Boy Georgeon Saturday, February 27 at 12 noon EST, 9 a.m. PST. The two pop icons willhave much to say on the state of current cultural and musical affairs.

*David Bowie: Book Reviewer?Once again David Bowie is entering a new realm on the Internet–thistime as a reviewer for BARNESANDNOBLE.COM ( will be a regularly featured book reviewer and this month critiquesMost Art Sucks: Five Years of Coagula, written by Walter Robinson and TomPatchett. Last month, Bowie wrote a thoughtful and amusing review of BarneyHoskyns’ Glam! Bowie, Bolan, and the Glitter Rock Revolution. Bowie willbe writing at least two reviews per month for