Speedo Contest Update: Wrap It Up Now

Today is your last day! Get in or be left out! Here is a re-print of the rules in case you don’t remember. (how could you forget this one?)

Speedo Model Competition!

1. Contestant must email a picture of themselves and a pair of speedosto(info@davidbowie.com). All pictures MUST contain anentrant and a pair of speedos — however, the entrant need not beactuallywearing the speedos.

2. Image size must be under 640×480 pixels in JPG or GIF format — nopictures may be over 200kb in size.

3. All entries will be voted upon by the BowieNet public,and each pic shall be rated by the BowieNetizens — 1thru 5, on a “Studliness” scale.

1st prize: A pair of Speedos signed by Bowie (in marker, PLEASE, not..well.. err). Whether the pair of briefs are used or not is up to Dave.

Runners Up: Inclusion on Tybalt’s BowieNet Hunks calendar(whatta prize!).. We might even throw in a mousepad fer the hell ofit.