In keeping with our quest for cool stuff to do, David has asked that members send in video taped questions for him to answer (ala Ask David).
Simply break out that cam-corder, and video tape yourself asking David a question. We will review the tapes and then Mr. Bowie will answer you in video format as well. Fun!
Here are a couple of ground-rules:
1. 5 question limit
2. We will ONLY accept the folling formates: 8mm, Hi8, VHS, and PAL.
3. We will NOT be returning these tapes.
4. Clearly print your name and email address on your tapes.
OK, if you want to try and impress us with your talents, go ahead. We might just use them for the Big BowieNet talent show…
snail mail your submissions to:
Bowie Video
PO Box 358
Trumbull, CT 06611