The classic horror film “The Hunger” airs on May 24, 1999 on the Showcase Network, USA Synopsis:Miriam and John Blaylock are young, beautiful… and hungry. An eternal couple, sensual and irresistible. CATHERINE DENEUVE is Miriam, the icy beauty whose mystery was born in the waters of ancient Egypt. The legendary rock star DAVID BOWIE is John, her lover through the centuries, a man who shares Miriam’s secrets until he inexplicably begins aging at an accelerated pace. SUSAN SARANDON plays the brilliant scientist who tries to treat the supernatural – until she too is caught in the timeless web of blood and passion – The Hunger. Set in a very chic, very modern Manhattan, The Hunger weaves a thrilling tale of gothic horror. Yet it is more than a spine-chilling scare. The Hunger is also an astonishing spectacle of illusion, a lyrical triumph that moves effortlessly from the sounds of city traffic to the awesome depths of hell. Masterfully directed by TONY SCOTT, The Hunger is a breathtaking combination of swirling color, provocative acting and horrifying suspense.