Special Announcement: We Want Your Participation!

    Every once in a while, BowieNet asks it’s members to send in stories, news,pictures and general Bowie tidbits that you see out there in the big world,so that we can add them to the site. But except for a few die hard fans(you know who you are, and thank you) the incoming news and scoops stillseem to need a boost.

    So it’s as simple as this: BowieNet will have a contest from now until theend of the year to see who can provide the BEST SCOOP (as it relates to David Bowie). If you win, and we get “THE” killer story of the year postedon the site because of your detective/reporter skills, you will get a simpleyet rare prize: a personal phone call from our boss (yes, David Bowie).

    David will ring you up and personally thank you for contributing the yearsBEST news tip. So, what are you waiting for? Send your stories toinfo@davidbowie.com. Who knows, you might just get a special phone callfrom Bowie.