19 years ago, August 1, 1980 ? ‘Ashes to Ashes’/’Move On’ single released. The single reaches #1 in the U.K.
Bowie History
24 years ago, August 1, 1975 ? ‘Fame’/’Right’ single released. ‘Fame’ is co-written with John Lennon and it reaches #1 in the U.S.
Bowie Ball Videos
- We have posted up a few new videos from the infamous BowieNet Ball, held in New York City back in late May, 1999.
If you have any photos or journals you want to share, please feel free to send em in. We will post em up in this new section. Enjoy!
Bowie Knows Baseball
- www.mtv.com has picked up on Bowie involvement with the new UltraStar ISP project with the Baltimore Orioles.
The article, entitled Bowie knows baseball? talks about Bowie and UltraStar. Here is a clip from the article:
Bowie knows baseball?, Well, at least the Internet side of Major League Baseball’s BaltimoreOrioles, that is. UltraStar, the online technology company co-foundedby the Thin White Duke (and which oversees his BowieNet site andnetwork), has just signed on to create MLB’s first branded onlineservice for the Orioles.
Modeled after the highly successful BowieNet, the largest musicbased ISP and online fan club, the Orioles’ new online network willfeature dial-up access, e-mail, and exclusive content featuring chatswith players and coaches. The site will also include behind-the-scenesphotos, merchandise, and special ticket offers and contests.
“We feel that we can add the same excitement and sense ofcommunity to Orioles which has brought so many music fans togetherat BowieNet,” Bowie said in an announcement of the joint venture.”We couldn’t be more pleased to be associated with this first classfranchise.” -db
You can read more about the new project at http://www.theorioles.com
The Hunger
- If you have The Movie Network in Canada, don’t forget to catch Bowie introducing the new series “The Hunger.”
Air times for Hunger: The Dream Sentinel (EST)
Saturday Jul 31 1:30A (premiere)
Saturday Jul 31 10:45PM
Story Synopsis for The Dream Sentinel:
A down-and-out stripper is haunted by the ghost of a killer who wishes to protect and possess her. Alice Poon.. Rated: R
Something Good Is On It's Way!
Keep your eyes and ears open for something interesting on BowieNet. In the coming days, David will be presenting a new track from his forthcoming album “Hours…”It’s more than just a sample though, it’s downright interactive! But you will have to wait and see.
Who's The Birthday Boy??
- You guessed it. Mike Garson!
Born in Brooklyn, NY 1945, today is Mike’s birthday.
Check out this URL below for a timeline of Mike’s life:http://mikegarson.com. Happy Birthday Mike!
Staring Man
19 years ago today- July 29, 1980, “The Elephant Man” opened at the Denver Center of Performing Arts staring David Bowie.
The July 1999 issue of “The Voyeur” , the fanzine of the international David Bowie Fanclub is out.
Station To Station
- Have you seen the Phaidon book about train stations called STATION TO STATION?
The book Station to Station is about the life and architecture of the railway station and its evolution over the last 150 years.
Thanks to Randy for the photo 🙂