- For the first time ever in the history of the music business, a majorrecording artist and a leading record company are joining with retail tobring a complete album to music fans via download from the Internet.
On Tuesday, September 21st, David Bowie and Virgin Records will make the tensongs from the artist’s new album “hours…” available via download from theInternet from any participating retailer. As a special bonus to theweb-surfing music fan, an eleventh new track offered exclusively through thedownload will be provided. This exciting opportunity is being made availablein conjunction with over 50 retailer outlets for only the two weeks prior tothe album’s actual in-store retail date of October 4th.
Announcing the new venture, Virgin Worldwide Vice Chairman Nancy Berry said:
“David Bowie is one of the most technologically well informed and culturallyprogressive artists in the world. It is only natural that he be the firstmusician to bring his art to his fans in this manner. We are very excited tobe part of this experiment in new music distribution with David and ourdistribution channel EMI Music Distribution (EMD). Although this process isnot indicative of how Virgin will conduct business in the future, we areexcited to be pioneering this development and look forward to many otherexciting and ground-breaking advances”
Comments David Bowie
“I couldn1t be more pleased to have the opportunity of moving the musicindustry closer to the process of making digital download available as thenorm and not the exception. We are all aware that these broadbandopportunities are not yet available to the overwhelming majority of people.However, just as colour television broadcasts and film content on home videotapes were required first steps to cause their industries to expand consumeruse, I am hopeful that this small step will lead to larger steps by myselfand others ultimately giving consumers greater choices and easier access tothe music they enjoy. Concurrently, the Internet, with its low barriers ofentry will allow retailers large and small to compete on a level playingfield. This can only be of benefit to the consumer”
Read the entire “official press release” here on BowieNet.