The Best 50 Albums Of 1999

The first ‘Q’ magazine of the new millennium has afeature on ‘THE BEST 50 ALBUMS OF 1999’. These arenot ‘ranked’, but they do have this to say.

“The returning Dame looked fantastic and youthful and’hours…’ excitingly marked twin excavations of theacoustic guitar pop of Hunky Dory/Ziggy Stardust andthe glacial synth textures of his Berlin period.”

“BEST BIT: 3.10 into ‘Thursday’s Child’. The breathyfemale whispers that usher in the second gorgeouschorus of ‘throw me tomorrow…'”

info courtesy of Spaceface

‘Q’ Online has a 100 Greatest Albums Ever, too, and our man David made the grade with 3 albums:

Ziggy Stardust

Hunky Dory
