Db On The O Zone Tomorrow In The Uk

The BBC have yet more Bowie TV on their airwaves tomorrow (Tuesday 4th January). David talks about his nextrelease ‘Survive‘ (released January 17th) on the jolly funky music show that is The O Zone. Tune into BBC2 at 7:10pm. SusanS and Steve K will be pleased to learn that The O Zone is broadcast in very sexy Nicam Digital Stereo!

While we are on the subject of the BBC, TOMORROW’S WORLD utilised a part of the excellent Jeremy Paxmaninterview in a programme entitled: ‘2000 And Beyond: A Tomorrow’s World Special‘. This edition of the popularscience show was shown on Wednesday 29th December and repeated the next day, by which time I presume the storywas old news. David touched on the impact of the new technologies and the internet in particular.

go to BBC Online

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)