Bowiebanc – The World Catches Up!

‘Gonna find her some money honey’

Months after the announcement on BowieNet of the launch of the story has finally brokenon many online news services. At least one of these items, quotes BowieNet’s very own action-hero andlover of the Bolanesque, Ron Roy. Here is a snippet from the news service supplied by

Ron Roy, one of Bowie’s partners in the new online bank, commented “David has always pridedhimself on being first”. Roy is also involved in the legendary rocker’s online company UltraStarand his Internet service provider, Bowienet… It is hoped by Bowie and his partners that fans will wishto use the bank, to show their loyalty and passion for the ever changing brand that is David Bowie. Roysaid “You’ve got a passion for something, you want to show your passion.”

Unfortunately the service doesn’t seem to be available to us fans in Europe, so how long before voided UScards start to appear on ebay?!

It appears that the only national here in the UK to announce the launch of today, was theBowie-championing Daily Star who ran a short piece that can be read by clicking the above image or goingto their web site here. It would seem that the Star has a fan in its midst.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)