As mentioned on Bowienet recently, the ‘Survive‘ formats are this week being released around the world. Among the treats across the two CDs, (apart from five previously unreleased recordings!) are the video’s for ‘Survive‘ and a live video of same recorded at the ‘Elysee Montmartre‘ in Paris last October. Many of you will be aware that this was the show that witnessed the last stand of the very shirt that Jimmy destroyed forever. An event immortalised by next weeks chat guests Holly and Emma.
I have produced a jittery teaser animation from the video, (Walt Disney I ain’t) too tide those of you over that have a release date of the 24th. Click here for a glimpse of the shirt before it met a cruel and untimely death. – For those of you that have already managed to purchase the CDs in your country…Good innit?
Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)