David Bowie: Live Webchat 2nd February 2000 @ 6:30pm Gmt (1:30 Pm Est)


Living legend David Bowie will be taking part in a webchat on the Eden website on Wednesday 2nd February 2000.

To take part in the webchat, simply log onto: http://eden.vmg.co.uk/davidbowie.html and type your question in.

This live webchat is not the first time David Bowie has taken part in online activities. Last year, he became the first major artist to allow the public to digitally download his album from the web. Bowie also has his own Internet Service Provider (Bowie.Net).

David Bowie has just released the second single, Survive, from his latest critically acclaimed solo album, hours??.

‘David Bowie’s webchat is being co-ordinated via the eden website and bowienet, David’s own Internet Service Provider, the first artist ISP ever launched’

To coincide with the David Bowie webchat, Eden will be giving away some extremely limited edition Bowie merchandise.