David Bowie Live Webchat Tomorrow!

Everybody’s talking at me…

Tomorrow evening David Bowie will be participating in a live webchat at Eden. Go to the location for what will no doubt be another memorable happening by clicking here. Organisers Eden have promised that: “To coincide with the David Bowie webchat, Eden will be giving away some extremely limited edition Bowie merchandise.”

The chat will take place at 6:30pm UK time, which I believe is also GMT? So for most of you reading this, I make that 1:30pm EST, which probably coincides with your lunchtime quite nicely. Even if you can’t make the chat proper you can make your presence felt by submitting a question right here, right now.

Come on let’s make David feel welcome in this strange new chat territory by giving him a sackfull of probing enquiries from a few familiar faces.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)