Omikron Gets Big Hits

Recently there have been a few stories on Omikron: The Nomad Soul, in some of the most well-known news establishments in the world. David and co. at Eidos even came close to a Grammy Nomination! Read on…

Well, close, but no cigar… Omikron almost received a nomination in this year’s Grammy Awards. This year debuts the expanded ‘Soundtrack’ category, to include not just movie, television, and instrumental compositions, but video game and Internet tunes as well! So why no nomination you ask? It turns out that Omkiron was not eligible without a seperate soundtrack release. At least we all know that it WOULD have won.

Go to the story

The New York Times‘ JC Herz devoted an entire column to the game including two huge visuals. While she had mixed feeling about aspects of the game (felt “the puppet strings are all too visible at times … the characters are walking props”), the very breadth of the review (she really spent time with the game and describes it vividly) make it a pretty impressive plug nevertheless.

“It’s easy to get lost in ‘Omikron: The Nomad Soul,’ a complex and engrossing adventure for the PC. With beautiful graphics, challenging play and a soundtrack by rock legend David Bowie, the game is a trip through the futuristic city of Omikron.”

Go to the story

Go to BowieNet’s Nomad Soul section

Msnbc Covers Bowiebanc

Bigtime coverage in MSNBC‘s Buisiness Section. Here’s a bit of what they had to say…

“Ziggy might have played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly, but now he?s offering mortgages, check accounts and online bill payments. David Bowie, rock star turned Internet entrepreneur, has opened his own online bank, complete with checks and bank cards bearing the singer?s portrait.”

Now, go to the whole story

Virgin Poland

Virgin Poland have received approval from David to stream 30 seconds of audio of ‘Thursday’s Child‘ on their best local internet site (see below URL). This site is running competitions with various artists where the public will choose the best albums of the year. They are also streaming part of the video. The contest only goes until January 31st, so check it out now. The site is in Polish, but for those of you who do not know the language, you should vote anyway! Below the text on the main page, there is a grey bar that has an image roll-over in the middle of the bar. The image looks like this:

Click on that image to go to the voting page, and when you get there, you know who to vote for!

Go here to vote for ‘hours… is a library of pictures built around the work of renowned session photographer Lawrence Kirsch, who has photos of artists for most major record labels in the USA. Go to the site by clicking either the image above, or below…

The Shirt 'survives'!

As mentioned on Bowienet recently, the ‘Survive‘ formats are this week being released around the world. Among the treats across the two CDs, (apart from five previously unreleased recordings!) are the video’s for ‘Survive‘ and a live video of same recorded at the ‘Elysee Montmartre‘ in Paris last October. Many of you will be aware that this was the show that witnessed the last stand of the very shirt that Jimmy destroyed forever. An event immortalised by next weeks chat guests Holly and Emma.

I have produced a jittery teaser animation from the video, (Walt Disney I ain’t) too tide those of you over that have a release date of the 24th. Click here for a glimpse of the shirt before it met a cruel and untimely death. – For those of you that have already managed to purchase the CDs in your country…Good innit?

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

David And Liz

Take a look at this great photograph of David and LizTaylor, taken by the eminent photographer, TerryO’Neill.

Here’s some background info:

“David Bowie and Elizabeth Taylor meeting for thefirst time, Beverley Hills, 1975. ‘Bowie was juststarting to get big in America at this time, and Lizasked me if I could set up a meeting, which I did. Although she was very keen to meet him, I actuallythink Bowie was more overawed. After all, she wasstill very much a legend then – in fact she’s stillvery much a legend now. I took a whole series ofphotographs of them mucking about with his hat andcigarette as a kind of visual foreplay.'”

Now it’s YOUR turn…

Go here for the contest info.

photo, info, and contest ideas from Spaceface

Bowie @ The Npg

You looking at me punk?

This is a repost for those who noticed the early departure to the January Archives. Check this out, and if you’ve seen it already, it’s worth another look!

If you’ve not yet been, here’s a little reminder that you have two weeks left to catch the current exhibition ‘Faces of the Century‘ at London’s National Portrait Gallery, as mentioned on back in October of the last century. For more information and a few words from David about his selections click on the image above.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Cool Stool

This stool is actually designed especially for YOU (not you, David).It was designed as a school project by my brother Arnon (At the Institute of Technology in Holon, Israel) as an attribute to you, knowing you use a stool in your concerts. An attribute that expresses his admiration of you and your music. The six different legs are for the six media of art that you express yourself in. The colors distinguish the uniqueness of your eyes and so on. We hope you get to see it and more then that hope you like it! (maybe you’d like to add it to you site?) [Ed. Ok! 🙂 ]We love ya! love your music!!! from Danya & Arnon Mor from Israel

News: Dee Bee Project Rolls On…

Indeed that’s what we were, as Christian, the winner of the “Name the Cover Project” contest so aptly realized. But through the allure of David Bowie’s music we are strangers no more. I am looking forward to the many intriguing and interesting tracks that have been promised for submission to this project. So far we have 88 entries, and a few slots left!!! You can check out the Cover Project webpage for updates:

Dee Bee Cover Project

Thanks to everyone for their enthusiasm. — Ramsey