Andy Warhol Anniversary

Feb 28th 1987, 13 years since Andy Warhol (‘looks ascream, hang him on my wall’ (Hunky Dory : 1971))became the LATE great…… have a piece about him this week in their “Rock news from past NME’s” section.

“Warhol, pop artist extraordinaire, delivered to theworld not only the Campbell’s soup can as art but alsoThe Velvet Underground.”

“From the 1960’s onward, working out of his NewYork-based studio The Factory, Warhol often seemeddeliberately to be cultivating his own stardom.”

“As Quentin Crisp said, ‘All of us who make a styleout of being owe it all to Andy Warhol.'”

“In the future”, Warhol said, “everyone will befamous for 15 minutes.”

That sounds quite a lot like the internet to me. Canyou imagine his Home Page??….sigh

No-one I found does him justice, but you can try theselinks:-

The Andy Warhol Museum

We miss ya Andy!

thanks to Spaceface