Holly In Nyc

Here is a letter from Steve, the webmaster for hollypalmersinger.com:

A quickie reminder about Holly’s NYC show on Tuesday at Arlene’s Grocery (95 Stanton St). All you great people who showed up at the Fez shows really helped make them magical. Help recreate the magic at Arlene’s Grocery!

And then write and tell me about them, because this poor Canuck is stuck up here in Toronto and will miss all these wonderful shows…

Here’s the current list of Holly’s gigs:

May 2
New York, NY
Arlene’s Grocery (95 stanton st. btwn. ludlow and orchard, NYC)

May 9
New York, NY
Arlene’s Grocery

May 16
New York, NY
Arlene’s Grocery

Go to hollypalmersinger.com

thanks steve

Union Jack

David has found himself on yet another magazine cover! This cover is for the Union-based magazine called ‘Fusion‘. The magazine is for the union called UNIFI, the financial instutions union in England. Click on the image above for a larger version.

Also, here is a snippet from the article.

thanks Spidey & Don!

V2 Beta Test Team

Do you have the Right Stuff for this mission?

We are looking for people to be on the BowieNet v2 Beta test team.

Thats right, 20 members of BowieNet will be asked to be part of our testing crew for the new site. Check out the new features, email till you can’t type any more, post on the message boards, fill out your members profile, post up your personal web space, all that and more.

We will be asking for detailed comments via email. We need you to put the site through it’s paces. If selected, we will send you a username and password.

If your up for this mission, simply fill out the

ask howard and tina

form, and we will select 20 people to help us work out the kinks.

One caveat! If you are selected, this is a top secret mission (no sharing the passwords in the chatroom)!

Arte Special Review

As BowieNews reported the other day (April 21st), on the 22nd of April on the German/French TV channel called “Arte” there aired a programme called “Metropolis”, with the theme “The cybertalk: David Bowie”.

BowieNet member Bianca not only tipped us off to the show, but has written a nice review of it too for those of us who could not see the show.

Go here for the review

Four Bowie Albums In All Time Top 100

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Haven’t actually seen a copy yet, but the June issue of Q has a reader survey of what they consider to be the 100 Greatest British Albums of All-Time. DB has a healthy representation with four albums in the top 30, they are:

#30 Scary Monsters and Super Creeps

#25 The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars

#16 Hunky Dory

#14 Low

Four masterpieces I’m sure you would agree, but perhaps not in quite the order one would expect. Whatever, well done David, here’s to the time, (in the not too distant future) when Joe Public wises up enough to get four albums into the top ten! For a comparison with the last similar poll that Q carried out, click on the logo above.

Remember that David Bowie is the subject of ‘Cash For Questions’ in the July issue of Q, which looks like being a helluva lotta fun. Email your questions to: q@ecm.emap.com

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Dee Bee Cover Project

Strangers When We Met…” aka the ‘David Bowie Cover Project‘ is alive and well! BowieNet will make the 52 finished tracks available for all to hear, and there will be a contest where you, the BowieNet member, will help choose the winning entry or entries. The contest will not begin until after BowieNet V.2 has launched, but stay tuned for updates!! A special thanks go to Ramsey & Keith for starting this great project, and of course, to the many musicians who devoted their time and energy to covering David’s songs!

Go to the DeeBee Cover Project

thanks Ramsey & Keith

Holly Palmer Singer Newsletter

The Official Holly Palmer Singer Newsletter is in effect! The inaugural mail was sent to us by the folks at HollyPalmerSinger.com:

Hi everyone,
This is the inaugural edition of the Holly Palmer Singer Newsletter. Most of you were transferred from Jason Lent’s Holly Palmer email list. I’d like to thank Jason for the help he’s given to Holly over the years… what a terrific guy, and what a terrific boost he’s given her career. He still runs a great website for Holly, check it out at:


Holly’s album release has been pushed back to the summer, but as anyone who’s heard the new songs can testify, the wait will be worth it! Work is also underway to develop HollyPalmerSinger.com version 2. Look for it in the coming months. Until then, we’ll put up a few tidbits here, starting with some new pics and hopefully a video! Stay tuned!

Those in the NYC area are invited out to a series of shows at Arlene’s Grocery (95 Stanton St. between Ludlow and Orchard):

May 2nd, 10pm
May 9th, 9pm
May 16th, 9pm

I’ll end off with a diary entry from Holly.

Hope to see you all at a future Holly show!

Steve Ito
webmaster, hollypalmersinger.com

Go to HollyPalmerSinger.com

thanks steve

Welcome To The Glitterdome

BowieNet member Corina Pia sends news of a club event called ‘Glitterdome‘ on the third Friday of every month in Atlanta, GA., that celebrates all things GLAM – So dust off the satin and tat, the frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat, and slide over here for more.

Go to the Glitterdome info page

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Welcome To The Glitterdome

BowieNet member Corina Pia sends news of a club event called ‘Glitterdome‘ on the third Friday of every month in Atlanta, GA., that celebrates all things GLAM – So dust off the satin and tat, the frock coat and bipperty-bopperty hat, and slide over here for more.

Go to the Glitterdome info page

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)