A speechless jelly…
The wonderfully cute Gail Porter, (who admits being reduced to a speechless jelly when she attempted to interview David Bowie at NetAid) graces the front of the current Radio Times’ Webwatch Magazine. Webwatch is a new guide “to the best of TV, film and radio online”, and it has this to say about www.davidbowie.com: “By far the most prominent rock star on the web is David Bowie, who admits to being more interested in the internet than he is in making promo videos for his own records. See what he’s capable of at this outstanding site.” And as if to drive the point home, they illustrate a pic from the ’87 Glass Spider Tour with the following caption: “David Bowie devotes more time to his website than his music videos”… Quite right too!
Go to RadioTimes.com
Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)