Bowie's New Net Release…or Is It?

This is a job for ART CRIME INC…or is that ART INK CRIME?

Perhaps the oddest piece of Bowie press here in the UK in recent days, appeared in the dotcom.telegraph pullout of The Daily Telegraph last Thursday 14th. The front of the broad-sheet heralded: “David Bowie puts his new release on the net.”…Quickly leafing through to page eight to see what secret our man had kept from us, I was greeted by two large reproductions (albeit a mono page) of the Bowie art works ‘Head of EB‘ and ‘Hand and Leg‘.

This is where it gets strange. The article was primarily about the controversial Zurich-based internet artists, The etoy.Corporation, and loosely about art on the net. There is a brief mention of in a footnote to the piece about selling art online, but one can’t help wondering if either The Telegraph has taken a lesson from CGU (see above) on the value of Bowie helping sell one’s product, or, (a far more exciting theory, but less likely) that perhaps David Bowie is a member of the aforementioned anonymous collective that is The etoy.Corporation!

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)