This up-coming book, which is an in-depth, beautifully and originally illustrated analysis of db’s style over the years, gets a good review in MOJO this month.
The reviewer says “The real drama of Bowie’s fundamental challenge to everybody’s identity problems (via the fantasy of stardom) emerges strongly.”
Also, “Bowie raised questions of artificiality both intelligently and whole-heartedly so that, at his best, he wasn’t about style, he was about life and what he did was art. Which is better and more scary than style.”
The review is accompanied by a shot I haven’t seen before, of David, Angie and Duncan.
Go here, for the full review and photograph
The book, by Mark Paytress with Steve Pafford, is published in the UK by Omnibus, price £19.99
Also, go to This Month’s Mojo Magazine
thanks spaceface