Two UK magazines have David Bowie on their front cover this month. Select has a rather strange-looking weather-proofed Bowie looking like something from the mother ship in Close Encounters’…This is to illustrate their coverage of Glastonbury, which while it is interesting, isn’t exactly over-burdened with Bowie-related features.
The July issue of Q magazine on the other hand, has the David Bowie ‘Cash For Questions’ feature that I know you have all been waiting for. Packed with pictures over a generous six pages, including a couple of very recent shots where the Bowie tresses are under a little more control than they are in the picture above. David’s answers are absolutely hilarious, but the fun is punctuated with some serious stuff and a few misconceptions are cleared up.
Did he answer your question? I’m afraid you’ll have to buy a copy to find out. We hope to bring you the full thing once the magazine is no longer available for sale, along with even more pictures from the session. Elsewhere in the mag there is a Moby interview with a cool picture of David and the self-confessed Bowie fan. As you probably know, David was among the very first to call upon Moby’s extraordinary knob-twiddling skills. Go out and buy your copy now!
Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)