Keep Dreamin'

The reviews keep a-comin’! Check out this latest batch of Dreamcast Omikron reviews:

A glowing review! DMachine gave the game an overall score of 96%, and 5 out of 5 ratings for all categories but the graphics category (which got a 4 of 5)!

“The third was a video of a character modeled after David Bowie (Who?!) The man is good. You can even see the concert of his group ?The Dreamers? in the game. You will find a flyer; it will give you the location of where he will be. You will be impressed.”

84% rating from!

“The Nomad Soul is a rewarding experience for those who are willing to give it a chance — persevere through the early ‘slow’ period and you’ll find a rich and interesting adventure game underneath. Plus David Bowie is in it — a point that pushes the score up immediately for us…”


Score it an 8.4 for db! Here are some comments:

“David Bowie’s soundtrack is definitely the star of the show. Not as striking on the Dreamcast as it seemed on PC, the score is still rather powerful. Entertaining voice samples too.”

“Also worth a mention is the fine musical score courtesy of your friend and mine, David Bowie. Teamed with long time associate Reeves Gabrels, the duo has really done a number with the soundtrack, and likens itself to something out of a modern-day cyber punk flick. The opening theme (Omikron – New Angels of Promise) especially reaches out and demands your audio attention. Lets hope that more developers out there learn a thing or two from Eidos’ example. Start snatching up some of the better musical celebrities of their own to give us our tunes!”

A good place to see Omikron’s overall ranking with the users. It is definitely gaining status as a cult classic! At present it’s 4.4/5 with users!

Read some customer reviews at EB…. Lots of 5/5’s!

The truth of this game is as follows: IT ROCKS!